Monday 3 December 2018

Hidden Blade Knives - Trendy Accessories or Self Defense Items?

Hidden Blade Knives are kept by our majority of the population nowadays. Is it because of their efficiency of use or because of their trendy look? Well, it is difficult to pick a side here as according to me, hidden blade knives are both useful and trendy as well.

What is a Hidden Blade Knife?
A hidden blade knife is a knife that comes as the item of regular use but features a hidden blade. This hidden blade is concealed or hidden from naked eye but it can be extracted and retracted on the desire of the holder.

Need For Hidden Blade Knives

Hidden Blade Knives as Self Defense Items
Hidden Blade knives are quite useful and they find their best use in self-defense. We all know that self-defense is a situation where one has to defend oneself against dangers, bad guys and other threats. In such life-threatening situations, fighting is sometimes not the best solution and hence smart moves are required to help one out an escape that dangerous situation.

Hidden Blade knives can be concealed and carried quite easily. The best thing about them which helps in a self-defense situation is that their fake identity provides one an edge over one’s assailant which helps one to escape the dangerous situation and run to safety. You can easily hide them and carry them in your purse, socks, pockets or bags. Just answer me this, do you feel safe when you go out of your home or even inside your home? Is your safety guaranteed? Of course, it is not!

Consider a scenario where you are driving your way back to home. It is a dark, rough neighborhood and your car breaks down suddenly and now you are looking here and there for a mechanic but are unable to find one. Suddenly you hear a noise around you. You whirl around and come face to face with a large, brooding and dangerous looking guy. He attacks you with his fist and that fist alone is equivalent to many weapons. Now, what are you going to do? Will you just let him attack you? What if you have a hidden blade with you? You can easily deploy it and attack your assailant with it. In an instant, your assailant will be on the defending mode which will give you a sufficient amount of time to run off to safety. So, that’s how importantly hidden blade knives are for self-defense.

Hidden Blade Knives as Trendy Accessories
Hidden Blade knives are not restricted or confined to only one type of design. Rather there are different types of designs and variations in which they are available. These knives look like items of our everyday use i.e. pens, combs, necklaces, carabiners, lipsticks etc and provide safety along with a fashion statement. Let us have a look at some of these Everyday care (EDC) items disguised as regular objects.

Pen Knife
A Pen Knife is a knife designed as a pen. It is a fully functional pen which has a knife on the rear side of it. The knife is short but it is pretty much sharp and apart from using it as a self-defense tool, you can use it to execute your daily tasks with efficiency and ease. It looks like an ordinary pen and you can easily carry it around without anyone suspecting its true identity.

Comb Knife
A comb knife is also like a penknife except that in this case, the knife is designed like a comb. A comb knife is a perfect hidden blade. These hidden blade knives allow you to take your safety up a notch while giving you access to a very beautiful comb as well.

Necklace Knife
A necklace knife is one of the most popular and widely used knives among all hidden blade knives. Now, you can wear a hidden blade concealed inside a necklace and be your own defender. These knives come in various designs and styles, some of them are totally trendy and chic while others are purely classic.

Hence, we come to the conclusion that Hidden Blade knives may look to be trendy and useful items but they prove to be quite effective in a self-defense situation as well. And hey, with these knives you don’t have to pick a side as you can be trendy and safe at the same time.

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